Contact Us

Phone numbers and other contact options for Taymount Surgery and Scone Surgery at Perth and Scone Medical Group.

Telephone numbers

Taymount Surgery

Reception: 01738 627117
Repeat Prescriptions: 01738 643454
Fax: 01738 444713

Scone Surgery

Reception: 01738 551739
Repeat Prescriptions: 01738 565059
Fax: 01738 553517

To contact other services directly

Health Visitors: 01738 442219
District Nurses: 01738 445947
Practice Pharmacist: 01738 627117

Online services

You can also use Online Patient Services to request repeat prescriptions or book an appointment.

And we have online forms for the following:

Please phone Reception at either surgery if you have any queries.

Opening Hours

The practice is open from 8am-6pm, Monday to Friday. Scone Surgery is closed every Wednesday at 2pm.

We participate in the public holiday closure timetable as agreed by NHS Tayside for General Practice.


Out-of-hours care is provided by NHS24 and they can be contacted by telephoning 111. Find out about NHS24.

Frequently Asked Questions

Don't forget to check our FAQ for a list of questions patients have asked!

Our Addresses

Taymount Surgery
1 Taymount Terrace

Scone Surgery
7 Stormont Road